
SentinelOne Helm Charts

This GitHub repository is the official source for SentinelOne’s Helm charts.

Getting Started

To start using our charts, first add this charts repository using the helm command line tool:

helm repo add sentinelone https://sentinel-one.github.io/helm-charts/

Use this charts repository

Once you have added this charts repository to your local helm, you can start using it:

# List all charts:
helm search repo sentinelone -l
# Install s1-agent from the online charts repository:
helm upgrade --install <name> \
    --namespace=<namespace> \
    --set configuration.cluster.name=<your cluster name to report to console> \
    --set secrets.imagePullSecret=<image pull secret name> \
    --set secrets.site_key.value=<your site key> <path to helm chart, or helm chart name>